
BlueCap Personalberatung GmbH

Starklef 34
25938 Wyk auf Föhr | Germany

0151 28027805

Registered office of the company

Wyk auf Föhr

Commercial register

Amtsgericht Flensburg
Registration number: HRB 14958FL

Managing director

Dr. Rüdiger Hartung

Exclusion of liability

The information provided on this website has been proofed carefully and are updated on a regular basis. However, no guarantee or liability can be assumed, that all statements are always displayed complete, correct and with latest actuality. This applies especially for all links to other websites that are referenced directly or indirectly. All information can be, without any prior notification, altered, removed or added to. Neither the publication nor its content is allowed to be changed in any way or to be distributed or passed on to third parties without explicit approval by the BlueCap Personalberatung GmbH

© BlueCap Personalberatung GmbH, Hamburg 2018 | All rights reserved.

Image rights
© saicle
© rcfotostock
© Sergey Nivens
© goodluz
© Rido
© Vasyl
© nd3000